
Want Content Assets that Convert?

If you create content like everyone else, your strategy is open to competition.

You need unique content assets that strike the bullseye of your readers’ pain points and aspirations while keeping competitors at bay.

I’m talking of content that MUST attract readers, turn them into leads, and convert these leads to buyers.

That’s the real deal.

Although you can follow my 40X Content Strategy[2] to get desired results, I know you probably

  1. Have an airtight schedule
  2. Prefer someone else do it for you
  3. Want to skip the learning curve

No worries Captain.

I can help you design, execute, and scale your content asset development.

I know you’re wondering what types of content assets can I create for you. That’s why I’ve provided you this resource.

How can I help your business grow?

Great Content Assets Demand Planning

You’re here for either of two reasons—thinking we can work together or just looking around.

If you’re here for the latter, you’ll have more than enough to feed your eyes on my portfolio.[1]

Otherwise, let’s get to work on your business.

Depending on how far ahead you’ve taken your content marketing game, I can help you in two ways:

  1. If, yes, you have a content plan: Create content assets according to your predefined plans
  2. If, no, you don’t have a content plan: Design and develop your content assets from scratch using my proven 40x content strategy.[2]

My content writing process relies on whether you’ve developed a content strategy and plan or not.

If you haven’t developed one, that’s where we’ll start.

I’ll get on a call with you or send you a form to fill in your audience, topics, and content goals.

On that call

  • I’ll ask you questions,
  • Listen to you,
  • Take notes, and
  • Ask you clarifying questions

I’ll use the content of that call to develop and execute your unique content plan.

The call helps me understand the results you want to get.

Whether you opt to fill a form or get on a call—or do both—I’ll send you an email containing the assignment brief to verify that we’re on the same page.

Based on your replies to my questions, I’ll build a custom content plan for you.

Once we have a plan to work from, we can sign a contract and start creating your content assets.

Next, I’ll show you how my content creation process works.

But you can cut to the chase. Choose any of these services I offer if you’re pumped and want us to get started on your content already.

So, what do you say?

The consultation session is free.

And we can discuss your content’s direction on that call.

After the call, if you agree to work with me, I’ll send a contract for you to sign and a 50% deposit invoice.

Once the invoice is paid, we’ll initiate your project.

Here’s my process:

Take Assignments

You can assign the content assets I’ll work on one at a time if you prefer to work that way. Or we can save time and I’ll work from a content calendar and we’ll review the calendar at your convenience.

Apply Optional Asset Upgrades

I can follow your internal content processes if you prefer to work that way. And it’s the best way to work if you have a proven content process.

But I can also put my unique content creation arsenal to work for you.

You’ll find details of my process in the content I published a while ago.[2] For your convenience though, here’s a quick summary:

  • Define your business goal
  • Research your audience, their needs, and the keywords they use to express interest in the solutions you offer
  • Develop a content-specific strategy

And then, I’ll develop an outline.

Build an Outline

I’ll build and submit an outline based on the topic and keywords for the post.

The outline will include everything we had discussed and highlight all I intend to have in the draft—you can add notes for me to consider when writing the post.

The goal here is to ensure we’re on the same page before we create the content.


I’ll work on the content and submit the draft in seven days—or longer for more audacious content assets—after outline approval.

I might submit shorter posts in four days. The draft will come with the remaining 50% invoice due within 15 days.


You’ll review the content and request changes. I’ll apply those changes within 3 business days.

For the details of my pricing and the FAQs surrounding it, click this button:

Let’s look at the services I offer, in detail.

If you have other ideas beyond what I have here, let me know.


Are you a busy person, CEO, CMO, or Exec.?

Want to maintain your authority as a thought leader in your industry but no time to write top-notch content?

Or are you developing the next big reviews platform—like G2 or Finances Online—and need content that commands attention?

You’ve come to the right place.

I’ll take away your worries WITHOUT robbing you of your shine.

You’ll retain your SMART posture without the frustration of spending countless hours on articles to convey your message.

I’ll produce articles that represent your best thoughts. And if you want it, I can also help with your due diligence research—your internal content; not for your website.

Rest assured, everything will remain discrete. Forever.

No one will ever know you relied on me for the results you command.

The result is yours. The work is mine.

This arrangement helps you focus on leading your organization and not sweating the words to write or how to write them.

Let me help you do the work and you keep the credits.

Get in touch and let’s get started.

Blog Posts

Businesses that blog make more money, more predictably, and spend less on customer acquisition than those that don’t.

That’s why every serious business has a blog.

Someone actually studied this and reported that 80% of businesses that blog experienced a positive return on their blogging investments.

In another study, 71% of participants say they consume blog posts before they buy.[4]

So users and bloggers on the same page.

Yet another researcher figured that marketers who take blogging seriously have a 1,300% chance of positive marketing ROI over those that don’t blog.

But “take blogging seriously” doesn’t mean publishing tens of articles weekly. It means publishing the BEST piece of content on the topic, every time.

Using my years of experience with notable brands that have iterated tens of content formats, I can take care of your blogging for good.

I have detailed content production processes to make sure your content is top-notch ALL THE TIME.

But it goes beyond creating best-in-class content; I’ll help you justify your content investment by promoting them to your target audience as well. So the content will start attracting targeted traffic days after going live on your blog.

Content Strategy

Who goes to war without a strategy?

You guessed it—a loser.

Winners always have a game plan even if they’ll eventually improvise. A game plan gives them a starting or reference point

If you create content, then have a strategy in hand.

Most people don’t.

A recent SEMrush report says 78% of marketers[14] who reported having a very successful marketing year in 2021 maintained a documented content marketing strategy.

So having a content strategy alone catapults your brand’s content game way ahead of your rivals.

Your strategy helps you take charge of today’s opportunities and anticipate the future without fear.

I’ll create a content strategy that comes from deep research and understanding of untapped growth areas your content can focus on. So you can enjoy massive quick wins in the short term and capture emerging opportunities in the long term.

Having a strategy helps you catch opportunities early and seize industry goldmines your competition probably doesn’t even know exist.

Let me help you stay ahead of your competition with a top-notch content strategy.

I can also execute this strategy, independently or with your team.

Newsletter and Email

If you have an email address, chances are that you check your inbox multiple times a day.

Almost everyone does it.

But not every business knows how to profit from that behavior.

If you’d rather start getting a $38 return for every $1 spend, then email is your thing.

Explains why Brian Dean thinks email is greater than everything.

I took that a step further.  I created a resource on some of the best email templates that the likes of Slack, Asana, and other successful brands use to drive outsized sales performance.

Click the green button below to get get the email marketing toolkit. Or the orange button to have me create yours.

Lead Capture Assets

Solidify your industry thought leadership by publishing authoritative resources that benefit other industry players.

Teaching others for free may come as counterintuitive, but remember the teacher learns more than the student by teaching. But even more beneficial is that sharing your ideas openly makes you the go-to person for getting answers to tough industry questions.

An Eccolo Media report says that 76% of business leaders, “had read a white paper to help them evaluate a technology purchase in the six months prior to the survey.”[3]

Yet another report says white papers drive 71% of B2B buying decisions. But case studies is the preferred content for business decisions at 79%.[4]

The Eccolo Media report also says that 83% of these decision-makers consulted product brochures and data sheets before a buying decision. You may want to consider lead generation assets like:

  • White Papers
  • Case Studies
  • Data Sheets
  • Brochures
  • eBooks
  • Industry Reports

All these channels can grow ROI, and I can help you do the work from research to writing, design to publishing. Everything.


This is one of the most under-leveraged tactics for brand growth.

But think of it. Entrepreneur on Fire, Eventual Millionaire, and Mixergy have mined interview-focused content for years.

Because it works. The benefits include:

  • Brand exposure as these authorities we interview share your content i.e., the interviews, with their audience
  • Trust transfers from the authority we interview to your website and business
  • Quality, unique content that’s only available on your website—we won’t be asking generic questions they’ve been asked a billion times
  • Link building opportunity as these industry leaders link back to the interviews
  • Relationship building as these authorities would be willing to collaborate with you after the interviews

And you can do this too.

Let me help you.

I’ll initiate the contact, handling the interview, all you have to do is post them on your blog, and even that I can do for you too.

Searchers will find your site when looking for advice from these influencers or for related keywords. You also get the social proof and the backlink that comes with it.

Want to have influencers featuring on your site?

I can start landing them on your site right away if you let me.

Guest Posting

I’ve interviewed several successful entrepreneurs over the years—Jon Morrow, Brad Smith, Saravana Kumar, Larry Kim, and many others.

Regardless of the business they’re into, they say that guest blogging was instrumental to their success.

If you want visibility for yor business—service or product—you want to be guest blogging.

Winning businesses use guest blogging to

  • Increase their brand authority,
  • Gain leads,
  • Build trust, and
  • Grow sales

Guest blogging is a two-edged sword

  1. Gain exposure, traffic, and credibility with your target audiences, and
  2. Win search engine love

With your permission, I’ll help your business win more exposure and gain more awareness from your target audiences.

My instrument here would be top-notch guest post features on your niche’s or industry’s most authoritative websites.

Shall we get started?


Let’s Do It!

Fill the form for a FREE consultation. No commitments.

Headline and email templates Asana, Slack, Monday, +more trust